21 Days to

Rise & Shine

Reboot for the Mind,

Body & Soul

Where wellness becomes a lifestyle

Program dates: 

April 21- May 11th

Reboot your Life NOW!

Rise and Shine with Us!

In this 21 Day program you will…

  • Create a sustainable healthy lifestyle
  • Try on new healthy supportive habits
  • Learn how to eat for alignment to enhance how you feel 
  • Let go of unhealthy weight/toxins
  • Eliminate out of control cravings
  • Gain energy
  • Reduce and/or eliminate bloating, gas and digestive issues.

In addition you will also get...

  • Group coaching meetings
  • Customizable cleanse plan
  • Access to live Q & A
  • Plant based recipes
  • Mindfulness practices
  • Accountability and community

And SO much more!!



Phase 1 (Day 1-7)
  • Identify your intentions and goals

  • Prepare your environment and setup for success.

  • Review “Complete Cleanse Guide”

  • Customize cleanse plan 

  • Food prep & shopping list 

  • Taper off current toxins



Phase 2 (Day 8-16)
The Cleanse 
  • Detox and cleanse begins 

  • Enjoy new plant based recipes 

  • Focus on simple, clean and detoxing foods

  • Eliminate major inflammation causing foods 

  • Implement self care and healthy activities 

Phase 3 (Day 17-21)
  • Implement what you have learned  

  • Enjoy new found clarity and energy 

  • Practice your new healthy habits in the real world 

  • Create a plan for a sustainable lifestyle 


“I just completed my first detox elimination cleanse with Sandy Jacquard. This was one of the most fulfilling and educational endeavors of my life! In a short and focused period of time, I learned about the foods that cause inflammation and unnecessary stress on my organs. I learned that I enjoy getting creative when cooking with vegetables, fruits, and spices. On Day 3, I began feeling lighter in my body and full of energy from morning until night. I was surprised to feel the transformative effects of Sandy’s program so immediately"

- Dr. Debbie Klein


"Doing the 21 days to rise and shine with Sandy was just what I needed. I wanted to have more energy and feel better, and that is exactly what I got, and so much more. Sandy is an amazing health coach, and she really meets you where you are, and takes the pressure out of the need to be perfect. She is extremely knowledgeable and relatable, and made it very easy to ask questions and get any help we needed. If you’re looking for a reset and want to feel better about what you put in your body, this cleanse is for you! I highly recommend Sandy!"

Angela Fuidge


Sandy’s program really helped me to reshape my relationship with food. I learned so much about my cravings & how to supplement the same need with other options. I wake up every morning not needing coffee, I don’t need alcohol to hang at the beach, I don’t crave sweets after work. My mood is so much better. I have more patience with my family & don’t get snappy like I used to. It’s a lifestyle changer in the most wonderful way. It feels so good to feel healthy & nourished & have energy to play with my kids even after a long day of work.

- Jenny Chapman